A desire
For years both of us carried a desire to create
a space where people could come together
to express, connect with others and heal.
Since we met in this life, we connected our hearts
and shared our beliefs. We then started merging
our qualities and methods
to offer this
to whom needs it at the moment.
Through hard times
and good times, both of us have learned that
to reach high we need
to dive deep.
To make this easier we are practicing to follow
the flow of life,
to embrace our 'dark side' when it shows up.
We accept it and work with it
in order to enable the light to come in.
That is what we call the art-of-light, as a way
of living a wholesome life.
The same way we 'work' with ourselves, we work with our clients.
- with yourself,
- your bright side & dark side,
- nature, earth, your roots,
- your relation with others and the world
- your inner and outer space,
- your own way of expression
& to release emotions,
Create change in
- thoughts, views,
- your life story,
-your patterns,
- your actions, activities,
-your body,
- the presentation of yourself in the world,
Create your daily life
- food,
- space, rooms, house,
- projects, co-operations, work,
- relationships, friendships, and partnerships
- your body & soul
- experiencing wholeness,
- relationship to others, life, death and beyond