Training in energetic testing & healing practice

Energetic healing & coaching

- using a biotensor tool & your 'body as an antenna'

- working with the subconscious (body memory)
& higher conscious sides,
your hands, protocols and tests:

Chinese Meridians




Diet & supplements


Human needs



Past lives



In this training you will learn to use your body and a biotensor as tools to connect to your own and other people's subconscious and higher conscious sides.

You will learn how to connect to your and other people's subconscious body memory and higher consciousness, without using hypnosis.

You learn to 'test' what Chakras or Chinese meridians are out of balance; coupled to which emotions specifically; and related to what (money, certain people, spirituality, and roles) in life.
And next, you test when & how in life (early childhood or even before) this 'disbalance' started and how it is rooted.


The training will be divided in one introduction level (level 0, one day to find out if it fits you and visa versa) and three following levels (level 1, 2 and 3).
These 3 levels are divided over several weeks during several months, so that there is enough time to practice and integrate.

The training is in English, with some translations by Olga. The protocols you will work with will be in Polish or English (you choose).

We expect to start with the first group in the Autumn or Winter of 2023.

More information soon...