Lomi Lomi Nui,
is a Hawaiian full body massage,
which is a holistic ritual that unites the mind and body in the temple space of silence,
mindfulness and presence for the massaged person.
It is also a way to reach the essence of existence so as to derive joy, happiness and love from it.
It can help you go through the internal process
in an atmosphere of soothing and acceptance.
The session is accompanied by the music of Tibetan bowls and the support of essential oils.
Butterfly touch,
is one of the Mild Bio-Energy therapy techniques.
A gentle touch helps to release tensions in the body, reduces stress, restores
the flow of vital forces and supports the process of returning to a balance.
It is a calming or energizing massage, depending on what our body needs at the moment.
It is made through clothing.
It supports the healing of a physical and emotional traumas.