In ‘Your Body Story’ session Olga & Sjoerd connect with your subconscious and higher conscious parts.

They help you to find, to express and to heal.

In this dual-session they merge their emphatic, healing and artist qualities to assist you in your transformation.

A transitional journey from your old stories
to the story of your higher self.

In the session...
After finding and naming your old patterns, childhood traumas, energetic blockages and needs, you will be creating a more supportive story of becoming your true self.

You will receive an energetic massage, revealing messages straight from your body-memory,
and answers from your higher-conscious.
This is preparing you for the second part of this session: the integration (NLP & Energetic healing using Chinese meridians, Chakras, and more)

You bring home...
To continue your new story, you will not only bring home all this wisdom about yourself, but also
an intuitively painted Mandala with colours that support your personal transformation.

Our work is...
to assist You in your journey of Transformation & Healing

We use different methods for that: From connecting to your subconscious (body)memory
to healing touch and art-therapy.

It may be hard to imagine at first, but we do use our bodies as Antennas to hear & feel you on deeper levels.

And then we turn that what you need to become aware of in healing words, touch and art to assist your journey.

1A) Olga works directly on your body using a relaxing grounding massage and Butterfly Touch (Gentle Bio-Energetics)

1B) In the mean time Sjoerd is sitting next to you to connect with your body memory and higher-self to ‘read’ what is out of balance in you and what it is you need most.

This is how we work with you:

In this session we dive into your subconscious memories from the beginning of your life and, if needed, even before this life. We do that in two ways (A&B) during three steps:

2A) Next, Sjoerd will share with you what was found and together you will turn that into your intentions & new story of healing. (Your Body Story Transformation - in words)

2B) At the same time, Olga makes a healing Mandala painting by using what she feels from you. This colour therapy works through the quality of the colours you need at the present moment supporting your process. (Your Body Story Transformation - in paint)

3A) Now, being conscious of your body's story, we integrate your story and help you to transform it to become more one with the story of your higher self.

3B)You take away from here a transformed body-story, intentions, and a personal Mandala to remind you of this transition continuing in you.